Please check the 55 powerful positive testimonials from neem experts from 17 countries and book reviews!
from Vicki Parsons
Vicki Parsons, Neem Tree Farms, Brandon, Florida, USA.
The first comprehensive book on Neem in nearly 20 years covers the latest research from a personal perspective by an author who has been formulating Neem products since 1994. A fabulous resource for anyone thinking about trying or growing Neem including an outstanding list of international growers and manufacturers.
from Plan Verde e.V.
Elke & Stephan Krüger, Plan Verde e.V. (registered society), Piura, Peru and Hanover, Germany Information about Plan Verde check here
“Neem – Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity”. With this book, Klaus Ferlow has created a profound and comprehensive work, one which should be a handbook in every household. This book, with its vivid descriptions of Klaus’ own experiences, illustrates the Neem tree’s significance for health, and is eminently readable, even for the lay person. It helps every reader find his or her stake in better health. A wealth of medicinal plants are suitable for very different purposes and applications. But none have fascinated us more deeply than the Neem tree, a truly multi-talented medicinal plant. Thank you so much for this excellent book!
Neem – Die Kraft der Natur
Klaus Ferlow hat mit diesem Buch ein fundiertes und umfassendes Werk geschaffen, das in jedem Haushalt einen festen Platz einnehmen sollte. Mit sehr anschaulich dargestellten eigenen Erfahrungen, was der Neembaum für die Gesundheit bedeutet, ist dieses Buch auch für den Laien mit einer erfrischenden Leichtigkeit zu lesen. Es hilft jedem Leser seinen Anteil für eine bessere Gesundheit zu finden. Eine Fülle von Heilpflanzen sind für ganz unterschiedliche Zwecke und Anwendungen geeignet. Aber keine hat uns so fasziniert wie der Neembaum, der ein wahres Multitalent ist.
Herzlichen Dank für dieses großartige Buch.
I am supporting the “Neem Pilot Project with Heart, Piura, Peru“of my German friends, Elke & Stephan Krüger in my book “Neem: Natures Healing Gift to Humanity” by writing a chapter with the title “The Tree that heals Nations.“
They started in 2009 an ambitious plan at a time they hardly knew where to start since they were only two people with a shoestring budget. It is amazing what two people with passion can achieve since their goal was helping Peruvians helping themselves! In the meantime they both have planted in the Piura region in northern Peru close to the Ecuadorian border over 250.000 Neem trees. More detailed information you find in my book!
Klaus Ferlow, Author
from Dr. med. Hans-Karl Wrede
Dr. med. Hans-Karl Wrede, Hennstedt, Province Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
This book gives an excellent historical overview which is enriched by the author’s personal experience. The fact that western medicine did not incorporate this holy tree form India until so much later is almost incomprehensible! Its bark, seeds and leaves are all used for healing. The active ingredients such as alkaloids, oils, tannins, azadirachtin, etc. are effective in the treatment of insects, worm infestations, skin disorder, fever etc. This fact makes the neem tree the most important source for Indian medicine and homeopathy. Hopefully many generations will benefit from this tree. The book by Klaus Ferlow must really be made accessible to a much wider audience.
Dieses Buch gibt einen guten historischen Überblick, angereichert mit persönlichen Erfahrungen des Autors, das dieser heilige Baum aus Indien erst so spät den Einzug in die europäische Medizin hatte, kann man kaum verstehen. Rinde, Samen und Blätter werden für Heilungen angewandt. Die Wirkstoffe wie Alkaloide (Paraisin), Öle, Gerbstoffe, Azadirchatin usw. wirken bei der Behandlung von Insekten, Wurmbefall, Hauterkrankungen, Fieber usw. und machen den Neembaum zur wichtigsten Quelle der indischen Medizin und Homöopathie. Hoffentlich werden noch viele Generationen von diesem Baum profitieren und das Buch von Klaus Ferlow sollte einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugängig gemacht werden.
from Professor Steven Ley
Professor Steven Ley, CBE, FRS, F.Med Sci, Professor of Chemistry, Director of Research, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
I was delighted to receive a copy of the second edition of your book “Neem – Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity.” This thoughtful book on Neem and its therapeutic benefits is written with true passion and commitment to this magical tree. It is well researched and contains a plethora of useful and interesting information and constitutes a unique collection of references which I found very helpful.
from Birgit Bradtke
Birgit Bradtke, Neem enthusiast & researcher, formerly with WA Kununurra, Australia, now Langkampfen, Austria,
For anyone curious about neem and its many uses, Klaus Ferlow’s book “Neem – Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity” is the best place to start. They will probably finish here as well, as I am confident this book will answer any and all questions they may have. Klaus leads with the eminently readable story of his own struggle with psoriasis, how he finally overcame the condition with the help of neem, and how that led him to become the first producer and marketer of neem products in the Western world. Concurrently he has been curious about and researching all things neem ever since and he is generously sharing his discoveries in part 2 and 3 of the book. Part 2 contains a concise guide to the many uses of neem for a great variety of skin and other health conditions, whereas part 3 digs into the science and research behind this seemingly miraculous plant. This is followed by detailed information about the controversies surrounding patents on various neem extraction and production methods and a look into the future of neem. People contemplating growing neem trees, be it privately or commercially, will appreciate the inclusion of the full text of Dr. Ramesh Saxena’s study (The Neem Tree: Its Geographic Distribution, Plantation Characteristics, Growth and Yield, Genetic Variation, and Associated Pests and Diseases). And anybody who wants to dig deeper into any of the covered topics will greatly appreciate the impressive collection of neem resources at the back of the book: 58 (!) pages of neem manufacturers, distributers, importers & exporters as well as research and other organizations worldwide, all organized by location.
All in all an impressively comprehensive yet easy to read reference manual that I hope will spread the word about neem to the many who could benefit from this versatile plant. Which would be everyone!
from Gunter Hartung
Gunter Hartung, Journalist, Hanover, Germany
“Finally, a book on the neem tree which answers all important questions. Using details and examples, Klaus Ferlow describes and characterizes the neem exactly as it is, namely a ‘savior.’The book’s contents, above all the chapter on the ‘Plan Verde’ project in northern Peru, raises the question of why governments and regional authorities have so far apparently failed to recognize the neem tree’s potential.Hopefully this book will help open the eyes of the authorities and their representatives. Hopefully it will reveal to them this tree’s countless positive environmental and economic advantages.”
“Endlich ein Werk über Neem, das alle wesentlichen Fragen beantwortet. Klaus Ferlow hat, detailliert und beispielhaft, den Neembaum als das beschrieben und charakterisiert, was er in Wirklichkeit ist: ein “Heilbringer.” Der Text und vor allem das Kapital rund um das Projekt “Plan Verde” im Norden Perus wirft die Frage auf, warum Regierungen und regionale Verwaltungen das Potential, das im Neembaum steckt, bisher offenbar nicht erkannt haben. Das Buch möge also helfen, auch Behördenvertretern die Augen zu öffnen und sie die zahlreichen positiven ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Aspekte erkennen zu lassen.”
from Paulina Nelega
Paulina Nelega, Registered Clinical Herbalist (RH), Natural Products Consultant, Professional member of the American Herbalist Guild and Canadian Herbalist’s Association of B.C.,Vancouver, Canada.
Klaus Ferlow`s book “Neem – Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity” is an excellent and timely book at one of the most beneficial healing plants on our planet. Klaus’s longstanding passion and respect for the Neem tree is evident throughout. As is the in-depth knowledge he has amassed from over two decades of study on it. I am grateful for the expertise that Klaus has shared with us.