from Dr. Malte Hozzel

Dr. Malte Hozzel, world renowned Aromatherapist, Naturalist, author, educator, essential oil specialist, Adjunct Assistant Professor physiology & health, founder of Ayus GmbH & Oshadhi GmbH, Buehl, Germany and Aromatherapy Seminar & Education Center, Aurel, France,

In going through your book I must say that it contains a very broad spectrum of understanding as well as a systematic review with precious indexes about the many incredible effects of the holly Neem tree. I personally only know the oil so far which we are buying regularly since many years but I can say that it has done so much good to so many people we have met over all the years. Always recommending Neem oil for various even serious skin problems we have never failed in our choice. And only thank nature’s spirit for such incredible gift. Neem belongs really to every home pharmacy, to every travel kit and deserves to be known to everybody, especially to the modern health professionals and here particularly to  the allopathic specialist for skin disorders who in most treatment cases do not know about this magic plant. Growing on our planet and who would highly need such information as given in your book. Thank you for putting so much attention on Neem since so long and particulate in healing humanity to better understand the hidden treasure – in a very practical way – through direct access to the Neem plant.

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