Biography Professor Dr. Heinrich Schmutterer about his internal career as a scientist and entomologist:
Born on April 11, 1926 in Papua New Guinea
1946 – 51
Studies in biology, geology and philosophy at University Erlangen – Nuernberg
Dr. phil. Nat
1953 – 59
Scientific Assistant at Universities of Munich and Giessen
Venia legendi (Habiliation)
1959 – 61
Research officer and head of section Ministry of Agriculture, Sudan
1961 – 69
Institute for tropics, University Giessen
1969 – 71
Visiting Professor and team leader University of Nairobi, Kenya.
1971 – 93
Full Professor and Director of Institute of Phytopathology and Applied Zoology, University Giessen, numerous entomological surveys in more than 40 tropical countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, South Pacific. About 210 scientific publications including 12 books (author, co-author, editor, or co-editor).
1976 – 80
President of German Society of General and Applied Entomology.
Karl Eschrich Medal for outstanding merits in applied entomology.
Honorary member of the German Society of General and Applied entomology.
International plant protection Award of Distinction from the international Association of the Plant Sciences.
On April 11, 2016 he celebrated his 90th birthday!
Remark: I had the honor to visit him on August 18, 2015 in his home town Wettenberg which was the highlight of my trip to Germany!
They call him “The Father of Modern Neem.”