Klaus Ferlow, Honorable Master Herbalist (HMH), Dominion Herbal College,, I am the 4th generation herbalist in our family, Herbal Adocate (HA), Canadian Herbalists Association,  founder of Ferlow Brothers (1975). Since 1993 manufacturer/distributor of herbal medicinal personal care products with no harmful ingredients to holistic practitioners and selected stores across Canada and parts of USA. I am also the founder of NEEM RESEARCH in 2013. Read here the PDF file.

In January 1994, after watching a CBC – Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on TV “What’s in a Neem?” in their series “The Nature of Things” by Dr. David Suzuki, a program which has been aired for 40 years!!, and which captured my attention and interest, resulting in a life-long journey of research about the benefits and healing power of the miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree that offers better plant, human, animal and environmental health. I have been in touch with Dr. David Suzuki since 1995, exchanging information with him.

I am an educator, formulator, lecturer, researcher, writer and author of the book “Neem: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity“ published in 2015. At the present time I am working on the third edition of the neem book, scheduled to be published in 2024 and confirm by the Canadian company who will print, publish, market, promote and sell the book worldwide.. I also co-authored the book“7 Steps to Dental Health”, published in 2010. I am a member of the Canadian Herbalists Association, former Health Action Network Society, International Herb Association, United Plant Savers, National Health Federation, and one of the 14 core-founding members from Africa, Asia, Australia, Bangladesh, India, North America, Europe and The Middle East of the WNO – World Neem Organisation, Mumbai, India, in 2017, representing North America, United Kingdom, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries.

Attended as a speaker the World Neem Conference in 2012 in Nagpur, India, organized by the Neem Foundation, Mumbai, and also the Global Trade Fair/WNO Seminar in 2018 in Bangalore, India.

Founded in 2013 the NEEM RESEARCH Organization, to protect and promote the benefits and healing power of the miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree that offers better plant, human, animal, and environmental health, which is part of the oldest most successful botanical medical system in the world AYURVEDA from India with a history of over 5000 years!

Ferlow Botanicals is the only 100% owned & operated Canadian family business, manufacturer/distributor of AYURVEDIC herbal medicinal personal care products with no harmful ingredients and was one of the first companies introducing neem to Western professionals and consumers in 1994 and in 2023 we are celebrating our 30th anniversary in the natural health products industry! The company was originally founded as Ferlow Brothers Ltd in 1975 and later changed the name to Ferlow Botanicals.

He is one of the few North American neem researchers starting in 1994, only Canadian author of a neem consumer book “Neem: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity.” His book received at the annual 2019 Living Now Book Awards the GOLD MEDAL in the category “Health & Wellness” from the Jenkins Group & Independent Publishers, Traverse City, MI, USA.

On the website: you can obtain 52 powerful, positive testimonials about my neem book from 17 countries!

Received in 2008 as only the 4th recipient from North America’s oldest School of Herbal Medicine, Dominion Herbal College, founded in 1926, the prestigious Award of Honorary Master Herbalist (HMH)

Member of the Canadian Herbalist’s Association of B.C. acting as Herbal Advocate (HA).

Author of over 80 educational articles about health, healing, herbs, nutrition inclusive 12 articles about the neem tree in English published in health and woman’s magazines worldwide and online since 1995, in Hindi in India and Canada and online.

Television & Radio Interviews

In 2004 and 2006 interviewed by the host Peter Mayhew, Director of Advanced Education at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, North York (Toronto), Ontario at CHUM Radio, Toronto with Affiliated stations across Canada at the weekly program “Human Nature” about the neem tree. In 2012 interviewed by the India Television station, Mumbai, at the world Neem Conference, Nagpur, India about my own personal experience with psoriasis and neem, broadcast in English.

In 2014 and 2016 interviewed about the „wondertree“ Neem by host Harpreet Singh of the “Harpreet Singh Show”,

In 2014 interviewed by Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, Monrovia, CA as host of the TSN Radio station Dublin, Ireland about “The miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree” and harmful dangerous, hazardous toxic chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products,

In 2015 I visited and interviewed “The father of modern Neem” Professor Dr. Heinrich Schmutterer, world renowned entomologist and neem researcher who rediscovered the benefits and healing power of Neem when he was on a mission in 1959 in Sudan, set up a neem research team at the Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Germany, where he was working at the Institute of Phytopathology & Zoology. In 1995 he published his first book “THE NEEM TREE”, in 2002 the second edition with 893 pages, working with 50 neem experts and academics from the around the world, published by the Neem Foundation, Mumbai India,

He devoted sixty five years of his life to neem research, was also the contributor to the book “NEEM – A Tree For Solving Global Problems and was interviewed by Dr. David Suzuki for the video “What’s in A Neem?”

In 2017, 2019, 2020 interviewed together with Dr. Arun Garg, MD, by host Shusma Datt, Spice Radio, Burnaby about the “Miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree”, Dr. Arun Garg, MD introduces me to the media as “Dr.Neem”

In 2018 interviewed by Mike Zaremba of Vancouver Real, TV-Podcast, Vancouver, B.C. about the “wonder tree” neem,

In 2018 had an interview about the „Incredible Neem Tree“with host Ken McCarthy, Director of Plant Wisdom organization, Tivoli, N.Y., United States of America.

In 2018 interviewed by Dhanishta Shah, freelance writer and founder of about the neem tree

In 2019 interview by host Harpreet Singh, “The Harpreet Singh Show” JOY TV, Surrey, B.C. together with Dr. Arun Garg, MD, PhD., FRCPC, Miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree

In 2021 interview by host Harpreet Singh, “The Harpreet Singh Show” JOY TV, Surrey, B.C., Neem: The versatile herb for good health.

In 2022 three interviews September 15, November 3 and December 29 with Nicholas Veniamin, Journalist, host & interviewer, United Kingdom, broadcasting “We the people” at “Miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree”.

Did lectures about health, healing, herbs, nutrition at Health Shows across Canada and lectures/seminars/workshops at the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, New Westminster, B.C., Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Toronto, Ontario, University of Natural Medicine, Portland, OR, Fraser Valley University, Abbotsford, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. B.C., Columbia Qualified Acupuncturist & TCM Practitioners Association, Richmond, B.C.

Books about Neem:

In North America there are only three neem books published, two neem consumer books and one neem commercial book:

Book title: “NEEM – A Tree For Solving Global Problems” published by the National Academy Press in 1992 – commercial

Book title: “NEEM – The Ultimate Herb” by John Conrick, in 2001

Book title: “NEEM: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity”, by Klaus Ferlow, in 2015 To my knowledge there are 80 books about the neem tree published worldwide.


In 1994 manufacturers in North America of herbal raw material did not know anything about the miraculous versatile neem tree and neither the public.

In the last several years a NEEM WAVE worldwide has taken place and even well known large Corporations around the Globe have been jumping on the bandwagon offering cosmetics and herbal personal care products with neem ingredients such as:

Costco, Colgate,Wal Mart, Sundari, Nature’s Way, New Roots Herbal, NOW FOODS, L’Oreal, Garnier, France, Dr. Hauschka, Germany, Avon, United Kingdom, A. Vogel, Switzerland, Shiseido, Japan, Furthermore you find a huge number of pages listing companies offering cosmetics and herbal personal neem products on the internet: Amazon, eBay and Alibaba and this is just the beginning!


The knowledge about the miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree as part of AYURVEDA –  the oldest and most successful botanicals medical system in the world from India – is very simple and at the same time it brings the fulfillment and happiness to share it with anyone who wants to maintain and improve their health.


After 30 years doing research about the miraculous versatile medicinal neem tree I am happy to announce  that I am visiting my friends Nick & Daphne, owners of the only certified organic neem farm in the world since 1993 to get “hands-on” experience working on their farm from March 14 – 30, 2023,

My report about the experience will be published in the third edition of my book “Neem: Nature’s Healing Gift to Humanity, published in 2024 by




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